Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Selamat Hari Lahir MAR ..

Assalamualaikum sayang ibu,

Terasa cepat masa berlalu dalam ibu tak sedar anak ibu dah genap usia setahun.

I'll miss the days i had to carry you everywhere, the days i could just wrap you in a blanket and carry you around my arms .. on my chest .. keeping you close to my heart .. listening to every breath you take .. every small movements you made ..

Ibu dan ayah doakan Akid menjadi anak yang soleh, diberi kesihatan yg baik dan sentiasa dilindungi Allah. Semoga akid sentiasa dirahmati dan berjaya dunia akhirat.

Akid jgn risau kalau ada another Raid's, you will always be my first love, forever and always.

One day i hope you get to read all this and smile and know how much we loved you and how much happiness you brought into our life's

I love u so much sayang. Mini me.
Happy birthday Muhammad Akid Raid 💕

Lots of love,

p/s  Akid lahir pada 13.10.2015.